by Mizzou Matt 8/13/11
Columbia, MO- We've seen it all over Facebook, Twitter and ESPN SportsCenter- Texas A&M is considering a move to the Southeastern Conference. Sources say that the SEC could also be in the future for two ACC teams- the Clemson Tigers and Florida State Seminoles. Some are also speculating that Missouri could be SEC-bound. The one problem about that report is that nobody from Mizzou has spoken to the SEC about a move.

Social media has played a huge role in the breaking of the news. On Twitter, that oh-so-powerful tool, Doug Gottlieb of ESPN reported that Mizzou is SEC-bound. One minute later, DeArmond says we're not. We cannot forget that it was reported via Twitter by Bernie Miklasz that Matt Painter was headed to Missouri from Purdue. Not even a day later, Painter withdrew his apparent commitment and signed a deal with the Boilermakers.
Alden had this to say in response to Gottlieb's report: "Where are we going? We haven't talked to anybody."